Job Opportunities

Hillsdale UMC is hiring two positions; Church Custodian & Nursery Worker

+Church Custodian

We are looking for a motivated, high energy Church custodian that performs general cleaning and minor maintenance duties in building adjacent walks and grounds, and equipment in a clean, orderly, and functional condition. Provides assistance to staff, visitors, vendors, and other employees as necessary. Perform all duties related to maintaining the general cleanliness and safety of the church building.

This is an hourly, part-time position. 15hours per week. $13 per hour. Background check is required.

For the detail job description, contact church office; 201-664-5231

Send your resume to

+Sunday Nursery Worker

We are looking for a mature & caring worker for our Church Nursery. As a Sunday nursery worker you will be keeping children anywhere from newborn to 3 years old. Clock in is at 9:30am and clock out is around 11:30am on Sundays. During this time there will be feeding, changing, potty, play, crafts, and stories.

This is an hourly, part-time position. 2 hours on Sundays. $25 per hour.

Childcare experience, background check (required)

For the detail job description, contact church office; 201-664-5231

Send your resume to

Reopening Update (As of June 4th)

There are several changes to our worship protocol in response to the announcements by Governor Murphy and decisions made by our Reopening Committee.

  • Masks are NOT required if you are fully vaccinated, this includes youth in the 12-17 age bracket who are fully vaccinated, but masks are still STRONGLY recommended.

  • Children 3 and over, church staff and volunteers, who are in contact with the children of our congregation must wear a mask or face covering.

  • There are no capacity limits for in-person worship services and any activities using the church building. But social distancing will still be in place. Therefore, we will NOT be using seat reservation system for in-person worship and there will be no more temperature taking.

  • Singing will be allowed.

  • No fellowship (consuming or serving foods in the church building) until September 2021

  • Live Streaming on Facebook live and Zoom will still be offered

Happy Easter!

Greetings in Christ!

I pray that you and your family are doing well and that God is blessing you and your loved ones with continued health during this challenging time.

Without a doubt, we are truly living in unprecedented times. Yet, here is good news for you! Spring is near, vaccines for coronavirus are available and Easter is NOT CANCELED! Indeed, we may celebrate the Resurrection a bit differently this year. Yet my heart began beating for excitement about Easter, because it is the day that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus who rose from the grave, who saved us from our sins and who placed his hope in us for today, tomorrow, and all eternity!

Bill Gaither wrote the beautiful song, which seems to be more relevant today than ever.

The words to the simple, yet powerful chorus go like this:

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know, yes, I know, He holds the future.
And life is worth the living… just because He lives!

This year we will have the holy celebration of Easter on April 4th at 10:00am. I hope that you and your family will come and celebrate with us either online or in-person on Easter Sunday as we seek to honor God Almighty for His steadfast faithfulness and sacrifice.

 I pray that the words of scripture come alive for you during this season and that you don’t just let it pass you by unnoticed. Please remember, you are an Easter person that Jesus has invited to join Him in the joy of resurrection today and always. Be well and stay safe! Hope to see you all soon.


In Christ,

Pastor Julie Lee

Beige Flowers Sympathy Card (1).png

Reopening Update

In accordance with the Governors orders, starting Palm Sunday (March 28th), we will increase the number of in-person worshipers to 50% capacity. We will continue to take reservations for in-person worship through the reservation portal on the church website We hope to see you there!!!


We will use ‘Eventbrite Seating reservations program.’ A link will be available in our weekly email newsletter and our facebook page. We will open the program for reservations on Tuesdays at 9:00 am of each week, and you may reserve a seat by completing the 3 questions- name, email and the number of seats you are asking to be reserved for the service of your choice.

Once you complete the form you will receive a confirmation email. If your plans change and you decide you will not be attending worship, please cancel your reservation, so that seat is available for others.

Persons without a computer or those having trouble with the reservation system may call the church office (201-664-5231) or Kristine Melius to save a seat.


There will be NO passing of offering baskets or welcome pads or bulletins. Offering boxes will be located in the back of the sanctuary. The Holy Communion will be provided the first Sunday of the month using individual prepackaged communion cups. There will be NO congregational singing or choirs. You may want to hum along as hymns and songs are played. There will be instrumental music and in-person soloists.


All worshippers will be required to wear masks. We ask that worshippers bring their own masks. We will have some masks for persons who may have forgotten theirs. All worshippers will use hand sanitizer as they enter worship. Seating will be according to recommended social distancing standards, and worshippers will be guided to available seats, which will be marked.


Child care will be available starting March 28th. When you reserve a seat, please leave a note that you need a child care.

We have virtual Sunday School for your children. To register, click the link;


The church door will be open 15 minutes before the worship service begins. You may park wherever you wish in the lots but make sure to keep 6 feet apart from others. Proceed to the main entrance – the double front door on Hillsdale Ave. As you approach the building, you will be asked to stop at the yellow line to get your temperature taken.  As you enter you will be asked to use hand sanitizer and be reminded to keep your mask on. An offering box will be present as you enter the church. There will be no fellowship time before or after worship. Restrooms will be available for 1 person at a time.


We need your help to reopen our church. Volunteers will assist with four (4) areas of support: Welcoming Team, Worship Team, Disinfecting Team and Tech Team.  If you’d like to volunteer, please click the link below to complete the volunteer form.

Lent - 40 day journey


February 9, 2021

Dear Friends and Family of Hillsdale,

 Grace and peace to you as we embark on the 40 day journey of Lent.

The Lenten season differs in many ways from the Advent season: we don’t have a hanging of the greens, we don’t sing carols, and instead of anticipating the birth of the Christ child, we prepare ourselves for His death and resurrection.   Now, I admit that putting it that way, this all sounds rather gloomy in contrast— but we can rejoice because we know He has risen, He has risen indeed!

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”—Romans 12:1-2

Paul writes to the Romans that we believers are called to study, worship, and renew our minds and in so doing, we may know the perfect will of God. Lent is a time to return, reconnect and renew our relationship with God and to ponder how Jesus left this world only to rise from the grave to sit at God’s holy, heavenly hand.

As we prepare our hearts this Lenten season, I’d like to invite you to join the Lenten worship services and Lenten group studies. On Ash Wednesday (February 17th), we are offering ‘Drive by Ashes’ in front of the Magnolia Ave. door with social distancing between 10:30-11:30am and 6-7pm. Receiving ashes reminds us that who we are and where we are from and why we need God’s grace.

Starting February 14th, we will journey together for 6 weeks through the Lenten sermon series; Mosaic written by Shane Stanford and we will reflect on how God uses all our broken pieces. You are also invited to join the Lenten small group studies which will be held virtually and/or in-person during Lent. If you like to join, please submit the registration form.

Thank you and God bless you!

 In Christ,

Pastor Julie Lee

Christmas Letter from Pastor

Dear Friends and Family of Hillsdale

How are you? How is your soul in this season? Is the peace of Christ with you? Due to the pandemic it is likely that Thanksgiving and Christmas this year will look different from years past. But, it will probably turn out to be a good time for us to focus on our baby Jesus Christ who came to save us, who came as God’s gift to show us the way, the truth, and the life. What a gift he is for us. Thanks be to God.

Christmas is so much more than just a holiday, it is a Holy day. It is a time when our baby Jesus was born to be the Light of the world. It is a time when our God shows up in the middle of the mess to bring us a message of hope and offer us a better way of life through unsolicited and unlimited gifts of grace and salvation through Jesus Christ.

John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.”

What a blessing for us to have the baby Jesus! As we go about our celebrations and festivities this Christmas season, my prayer is that you don’t let this story of God’s unfailing love for the world go unspoken, but share this good news with everyone, so that they can find hope, joy, peace, and love in baby Jesus Christ! 

The Hillsdale United Methodist Church is the place where you and I have chosen as the home of our souls and of our faith journey. In this very place, we hear the good news and share that good news with the world. We will tell the world that the Christ is born to save.

We invite you to join us for the following special Christmas Eve services that will touch our hearts with joy and peace. Invite your loved ones, friends and neighbors to join us.

7:30 pm Candlelight Service with Holy Communion (in-person & online)

11:00 pm Candlelight Service with Holy Communion (online)

We are collecting special Christmas offering.  Please consider it your personal present in honor of the Christ Child. You will be glad you did.  I thank you for your generous gift and your vital commitment to our church and its mission.   I excitedly look forward to celebrating Christmas with you.   Emmanuel – God with us!!

With Love and Joy,

Pastor Julie 


 Grace to you, and Peace, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

I pray that you and your families are doing well and staying healthy during this extended situation we find ourselves in. Living a life that is “greater than” has been shown in so many transformative ways throughout the past several months. The love and generosity of God has shone brightly through all of you at Hillsdale United Methodist Church from Sunday school to the Helping Hand Food Pantry!

We don’t know what lies ahead, but in the face of the adversity and uncertainty we are facing amid the pandemic, we can be strong and courageous in the assurance of God’s steadfast love. The burdens we bear can be faced together. With the continuance of your generous and faithful gifts, we will be able to do ministry and mission together that is Greater Than as we recognize.

Your past financial support has been crucial to the work of our church. It enabled our mission and ministry to continue. We set up all necessary equipment for livestreaming and installed them beautifully, so that all family and friends of Hillsdale can join our worship services anywhere and anytime. We are working hard to make our church safe.

We prepared and are preparing all necessary items like masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, disinfect wipes and thermometers to protect ourselves from coronavirus. We clean thoroughly & disinfect the sanctuary and our church building before and after use. The necessary preparation not only requires our time and energy but also our money as well. Our church staff and Sunday school teachers became more creative than ever before. We had outreach programs such as Drive thru Back to School Blessings and Drive by Holyween Costume Contest. We are having a virtual and home-visit Sunday School. More creative and exciting ministry and mission ideas will come up soon. 

As we begin this year’s Annual Giving campaign, we hope we can count on you again. Please prayerfully consider increasing your annual pledge. Your increased support will allow us to continue to sustain and grow our ministries, extend our reach and share God’s love with even more people. To make your pledge online for 2021, click the link; submit it by Nov. 29th.

Again, thank you for your faithfulness. May our Lord continue to bless you as you follow Jesus in service and love.

With gratitude, grace and peace,

 Pastor Julie Lee


Dear Hillsdale church family,

Today I have good news. Based on Governor Murphy’s recent announcement, Hillsdale will resume in-person worship on Sept. 20th. The Reopening team has met several times in order to develop a thoughtful plan to reopen Hillsdale for in-person gatherings and the plan was recently approved by the Hillsdale Administrative Board.

It has been more than five months since we have been able to gather together at church. I know we are all eager for the time when we can go back to the way things were. But with the reality of the pandemic we will be making some changes to how church services will run as we keep the health and safety of our members in mind.

 Here is a FAQ list with details.


Starting Sept. 20th, there will be only one Sunday worship service at 10 A.M. Until further notice, 25 people will be allowed per service. For the first month of reopening, we will open the sanctuary only for worship services. Later on, we will open the fellowship hall to add to the number of people joining our worship services. 


We will use ‘Eventbrite Seating reservations program.’ A link will be available in our weekly email newsletter and our facebook page. We will open the program for reservations on Tuesdays at 9:00 am of each week, and you may reserve a seat by completing the 3 questions- name, email and the number of seats you are asking to be reserved for the service of your choice.

To reserve a seat, click the link:

Once you complete the form you will receive a confirmation email. If your plans change and you decide you will not be attending worship, please cancel your reservation, so that seat is available for others.

Persons without a computer or those having trouble with the reservation system may call the church office (201-664-5231) or Kristine Melius to save a seat.


If we did not do it this way, many more people would probably show up for worship service than we are allowed and we would have to turn them away that morning. This method will prevent that.


We always want to welcome visitors. Therefore, we are reserving a few seats for visitors.


Our 10am service will be live-streamed through the church Facebook page. Persons without a computer can worship with us through Zoom.


There will be NO passing of offering baskets or welcome pads or bulletins. Offering boxes will be located in the back of the sanctuary. The Holy Communion will be provided the first Sunday of the month using individual prepackaged communion cups. There will be NO congregational singing or choirs. You may want to hum along as hymns and songs are played. There will be instrumental music and in-person soloists.


All worshippers will be required to wear masks. We ask that worshippers bring their own masks. We will have some masks for persons who may have forgotten theirs. All worshippers will use hand sanitizer as they enter worship. Seating will be according to recommended social distancing standards, and worshippers will be guided to available seats, which will be marked.


We have virtual Sunday School for your children. To register, click the link;

Currently child care is not available.


The church door will be open 15 minutes before the worship service begins. You may park wherever you wish in the lots but make sure to keep 6 feet apart from others. Proceed to the main entrance – the double front door on Hillsdale Ave. As you approach the building, you will be asked to stop at the yellow line to get your temperature taken.  As you enter you will be asked to use hand sanitizer and be reminded to keep your mask on. An offering box will be present as you enter the church. There will be no fellowship time before or after worship. Restrooms will be available for 1 person at a time.


We need your help to reopen our church. Volunteers will assist with four (4) areas of support: Welcoming Team, Worship Team, Disinfecting Team and Tech Team.  If you’d like to volunteer, please click the link below to complete the volunteer form.


We know this is a lot of information to process. Probably some of you have mixed emotions on reopening; on one hand excited to see our church family but on the other hand frustrated with all these health and safety guidelines to consider. Whatever feelings you have, let us embrace the change and make the best of it as we navigate through these difficult times together. May we all be filled with the Holy Spirit and see its fruit in our individual lives and our corporate life together.

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Julie