A Response to Coronavirus


UPDATE - March 13th, 2020 - Public worship will be canceled March 15th and 22nd. We will offer online worship via our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HillsdaleNJumc/

Friends, many of you have heard in the news about an outbreak of a new virus circulating the globe called “coronavirus.” People have tested positively for this in California, New York and now New Jersey. This disease has the potential to kill those who acquire it, particularly the elderly and those with compromised health. Here at Hillsdale United Methodist Church we take this very seriously. Though children are very unlikely to experience many of the more debilitating symptoms, they can still carry it and pass it on to those who may. We want the Church, the Nursery School and the Food Pantry to be safe places for people to go and get what they need, spiritually, mentally and physically.

We will continue to monitor the Center for Disease Control website for the latest recommendations regarding best practices to reduce the spread of disease, as well as recommendations regarding public gatherings. Our church prioritizes the health and safety of our members. In the case of an emergent outbreak we will notify our congregation through our website, mailings and email about closings. In the meantime we encourage you to follow simple guidelines to stop the spread of infectious diseases: stay home when you are sick, cover coughs and sneezes, and wash your hands often.

In worship we will continue the practice of "passing the peace of Christ,” but invite everyone to touch elbows, do fist bumps and wave to one another instead of shaking hands. We will also continue to have hand sanitizer available in the sanctuary every week. These may seem like small, ordinary things to do, but we know that our faith, even when it is small like a mustard seed, can do extraordinary things. Practice these small acts of clean and healthy living for your own benefit and for that of those around you. This is our way of fulfilling the commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself.” Be sure to reach out if you have any further questions. The information from the CDC is provided below. God bless!

In Christ,
Pastor Brian Neville